Thursday, June 25, 2009

37 weeks pregnant

Only two weeks or so to go! This week, your baby is busy shedding his downy coating of fine hair (called lanugo) and his coat of vernix caseosa - the cheesy substance that protects his developing skin. Your baby swallows both of these secretions, which stay in the bowels until birth. Then your baby will excrete a blackish waste called meconium that becomes his first bowel movement. Meanwhile, you may be feeling huge - and increasingly impatient. But try to get as much rest as possible - even if sleep is difficult, you'll appreciate it after the birth.

How your life's changing

The next couple of weeks are a waiting game. Try to enjoy this time before the baby arrives - eat well and get plenty of rest. If you need help to conquer the late pregnancy blues, you can always look ahead and find out what your newborn will be like.

Be prepared

Are you sure you've packed everything you need for the hospital? Take a look at the hospital packing checklist. It's a good idea to sort out the clothes you want your baby to wear after birth and for the journey home. Don't forget your own "going home" outfit - you'll probably be in your maternity clothes for a little while longer as you'll still have a bit of a bump after the birth.

This is also your labour partner's last chance to brush up on how to help you. There's plenty of advice in our top tips for labour coaches and a Dad's birth story to read. While you still have time, why not buy a few books for your baby's first year or some toys specially designed for newborns? Finally, make sure you know how to fit your baby's car seat for the journey back from the hospital.

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