Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Baby This Week -- Your 7 month old, first week

Has your baby turned into a bouncing machine? This game is fun for him now if he can support his weight on his legs. What's more, he can probably sit unsupported, which will free his hands for exploring. At this age he'll also probably start reaching for things and scooping them up with one hand. You can encourage his independence and new skills by placing a toy just out of his reach. After a few tries, he'll be able to lean forward to grab it and then straighten himself again. You may notice him turn things round now, finding out what they look like upside down or sideways. And of course, he'll wonder what everything tastes like, too.

Find out more fascinating facts about your seven-month-old.


The truth about teething
If your baby has started teething, you can expect his first teeth to appear about now. His lower front teeth will probably break through first. But a few babies start with their top teeth and others don't produce any teeth at all until their first birthday, so if yours is one of them, don't worry. In the meantime, though, don't forget that baby teeth need brushing as soon as they appear.

• Teething: everything you need to know.
Could teething be the reason why your baby is waking at night?
How to make your teething baby more comfortable.

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